

Get China|霍格沃茨在河北开了“分校”?是的 你还可以……

本文摘要:前段时间,网上流传的“霍格沃茨河北分校”的视频和图片走红网络……位于新乐市的河北美术学院凭借其绮丽又违和的欧式城堡,现已成为周边地域婚纱摄影圣地。克日,举世时报记者走进这座神秘的“河北邪术学院”。一段视频感受一下——《哈利波特》里的霍格沃茨邪术学校来大河北开分院了?近些年,仿欧式古堡的修建在全国各处着花,其奢华壮美甚至凌驾了它们的欧洲原型。 文化专家称,这样的“城堡热”,或许反映了中国新晋富人阶级对身份认同和阶级固化的焦虑。



文化专家称,这样的“城堡热”,或许反映了中国新晋富人阶级对身份认同和阶级固化的焦虑。▲婚纱摄影“圣地”河北美术学院 (图via VCG)Wang Yan has fulfilled her dream of getting married in a castle at the age of 22. 22岁的王艳终于实现了自己能够在城堡完婚的梦想。Wang, in a white wedding dress, poses in front of the castle, like a real princess. 这一天,她穿着婚纱,在一座城堡前摆出种种姿势。

The Gothic-style castle has dozens of gray spires that stretch into the smoggy sky of Hebei Province in North China.这座哥特式气势派头的城堡有二十多个塔尖,直指河北雾霾笼罩的天空。"It's so beautiful here. The scenery is so nice," Wang told the Global Times.“这里悦目,景美!”王艳告诉记者。

Wang and her fiancé, surnamed Li, live 25 kilometers away in Xingtang, a county under Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei.That day they paid 500 yuan for the permit to take wedding photos on the castle grounds.她和未婚夫从25公里外的河北省行唐县赶来,交500元就可以在城堡照相。The building is part of the Hebei Academy of Fine Arts campus, located west of the Zhengding airport in Shijiazhuang.这座位于石家庄正定机场以西城堡其实是河北美术学院的一部门。The castle became an internet phenomenon after a Hebei vlogger, Schlieffen, visited the campus and published a video on Sina Weibo in May. In the video, titled "Hogwarts Hebei branch," Schlieffen showed the collection of items on campus, such as printed masterpieces in a basement and a pirate boat in the canteen.The video, only three minutes long, had received more than 8.8 million views with 11,000 comments on Weibo as of press time.它为世人所知是去年五月微博网红“史里芬Schlieffen”的探秘视频。

史老师的视频展示了校园一些匪夷所思的特色,收获了凌驾八百万的播放量,也让人看到了“Make Hebei great again”的雄心。The stunning castle towers of Hebei Academy of Fine Arts come into view when driving on national road No. 107, about 20 minutes from Shijiazhuang's Zhengding Airport.从正定机场出来,沿着107国道开车20分钟,就能看到河北美术学院的塔尖。

The castle, named Cinderella Castle, contains a set of buildings, each in different styles, colors and materials.这座辛德瑞拉城堡由几座差别气势派头、颜色和建材的修建组成。The Global Times reporters entered one and found a multi-functional building: a management office occupied the third floor, the second floor had restaurants, one serving Korean bibimbap, and students rushed into the basement, where some classrooms were located. 城堡也是集多功效于一体——三楼是治理办公室;二楼。


